The success of our students depends on the collaboration of many individuals, including school staff, volunteers and of course, our community partners.
We are very fortunate to share our building with the Rosemount Technology Centre. Through this, we are able to collaborate with them on special projects such as the renovation of our new Spiritual Community Center and they have opened up their facilities to some of our classes for tours and activities.
Project L.O.V.E. (Leave Out Violence) is aimed at encouraging student engagement in and out of school through photography, group discussion and written responses youth articulate the impact of violence on their lives and explore positive alternatives. At the end of the school year, youth will have the opportunity to showcase their work in Imagine LOVE, the annual L.O.V.E. magazine publication and their work displayed in a school exhibit.
Rosemount High School is one of several EMSB schools to participate in the "Huggies" Valentine's Day Project.
Each February 14, school administrators, students and parent volunteers visit The Montreal Children’s Hospital to spend time with patients and offer them a Valentine’s Day gift basket. The project is called “Huggies” because it signifies giving “big hugs” to kids at the hospital.
Since its inception, the schools' combined efforts were able to raise over 15,000 gifts and over 1,500 personalized baskets for the young patients at the hospital. Over the past eight years, the Huggies Valentine’s Day Project has generated over $90,000 worth of gifts and toys for sick children.
Rosemount High School is community-centered and seeks out opportunities to strengthen ties with the younger generation. Our music department has been instrumental in helping out elementary schools to start music programs by sharing resources and providing guidance and support.
Our mentorship program allows our senior music students to work alongside elementary students to hone their skills on their instruments.
Our unique specialized music program allows us to bring in professional musicians from McGill to work one on one with our students. This distinctive partnership enhances the overall musical experience for our students and raises the level of musicality tremendously. We are truly fortunate to have this partnership with McGill!
What important piece of advice would you give to students and others?
"Just open your eyes and see the world, get out of your bubble and see what's out there beyond your own life and your own city. Surround yourself with good, decent people, because they will influence your character and shape the person you will become."